Soil Organic Carbon

Profitable Grazing Systems 1200px

Profitable Grazing Systems Training Packages

Following completion of the “Healthy Soils groups,” are you interested in further developing your skills...
PA Soil C Map1

Soil Organic Carbon

MLA Hamilton Healthy Soils Group is exploring the topic Soil Carbon in 2021-2022 and trying...
Pages from Susan Orgill SFS MLA Soil handout July21.pdf

Building Soil Organic Carbon – the role of your management

Dr Susan Orgill, Soil and Water R&D Unit Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute Check out the...
Pages from Soil carbon (Hamilton) - April 2020.pdf

Soil Carbon Webinar

Cam Nicholson, Nicon Rural Services Check out the webinar below or the slides
Pages from Chicken Litter FINAL REPORT ONLINE 2.pdf

Chicken Litter: Alternative fertiliser for pastures and ways to increase soil organic carbon

Rural Industries, Research and Development Corporation, September 2014 RIRDC Publication No.14/067 Read here

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