DSC09069 (1)

Rokewood trial site taking shape

Lots of activity happening at our new Rokewood pasture demonstration and trial site. 

Water and fencing infrastructure are nearly all complete and getting ready to sow trials with seedbed preparation started.  

 One trial is about comparing the production/persistence of Australian phalaris to newer improved phalaris cultivars. Then we have five other variety trials to sow (perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, phalaris, sub-clover, annual/biennial ryegrass varieties). We are also looking at the Introduction of sub clover in an established phalaris stand to demonstrate the most effective method.  

 Other trials include: 

  • Phosphorus fertiliser trial to demonstrate the value of increasing soil fertility (in this case phosphorus). 
  • Phosphorus fertiliser x grazing interaction trial to demonstrate the impact of different grazing methods and how this interacts with soil fertility. 
  • Pasture response to soil amelioration to demonstrate if lime and/or gypsum improves pasture growth.  

 On the cards, is some blue sky stuff that I am very excited about. I have always been keen to trial some innovations. We have some funding from Soils CRC to do just that. I will also be revisiting the R&D meetings for ideas. 

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